I miss 6F ):
Monday, May 31, 2010

Do you see the 20 rockinq boys, 19 rockinq qirls(excludinq one of them :p) and that 1 rockinq teacher ? That's 6F ! My
best class in the history of West Grove Primary School ! :D . HAHA . They're better than anythinq on earth ! Better than qettinq a new phone , qettinq a ferrari(okay , maybe count that out :p) and etcetc ! :D HAHA . I saw
Darius then I shout "Durian !!!" LOL. HAHAHAHA . Then he look at me some more -,- . HAHA . Saw
Jie Min on the way home too . I shout "Jie Min !!! :D" LOL. Okay , I qotta qo . My auntie ask me follow qo JP ! BYE !
Labels: 6F, JP . .
I miss 6F ):
Monday, May 31, 2010

Do you see the 20 rockinq boys, 19 rockinq qirls(excludinq one of them :p) and that 1 rockinq teacher ? That's 6F ! My
best class in the history of West Grove Primary School ! :D . HAHA . They're better than anythinq on earth ! Better than qettinq a new phone , qettinq a ferrari(okay , maybe count that out :p) and etcetc ! :D HAHA . I saw
Darius then I shout "Durian !!!" LOL. HAHAHAHA . Then he look at me some more -,- . HAHA . Saw
Jie Min on the way home too . I shout "Jie Min !!! :D" LOL. Okay , I qotta qo . My auntie ask me follow qo JP ! BYE !
Labels: 6F, JP . .